JCMC: The Discussion Section - Episode 0: Introducing JCMC
Nicole Ellison: ICA presents... Welcome to JCMC: The Discussion Section. I'm Nicole Ellison, the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication and I'm here to introduce our new podcast series JCMC: The Discussion Section as part of the International Communication Association Podcast Network. In this podcast series, we'll discuss scholarship about Computer-Mediated Communication in its various forms, as well as related topics such as how we develop this communication as technology scholars, mentors, and good citizens of the broader community. I'll be joined periodically by two of JCMCs associate editors Scott Campbell and Lee Humphreys, who will focus on topics such as diversifying the field and mobile studies scholarship. We won't limit ourselves just to JCMC papers and authors. Although the topics we cover will be closely related to the key ideas, challenges and opportunities in the study of CMC and beyond.
When I proposed the title for this podcast, I was drawn to the notion of the discussion section in an academic paper – my favorite part – in contrast to other sections, such as methods, findings, and lit review, where you are limited by what's happened or what's already out there. The discussion section is where it's okay to talk about things that haven't happened yet and to connect out to other fields and theories and conversations. It's a place to speculate and chart future work to be more intellectually expansive. It's also a place where you talk about what a particular finding or insight really means for theorizing or design or other out of context, but also for the public for policymakers, parents, educators, and engaged citizens in a technology-driven world. Our research has important implications for society and I hope this podcast is a place for us to explore this together. Some of the topics I hope to incorporate into this podcast include interviews with scholars doing important work – who might introduce us to new theories, methods or research contexts – or discussions with JCMC authors about their papers, where they can talk about the backstory or motivation behind a particular project. We also hope to talk with key people in the field about what they see as the current state of their area of research, what they see as the important research questions for our collective future and where technological developments will lead us. Of course, we'll also talk about methods, literature and findings. But I think most of the really exciting stuff will happen in, well, the discussion section. Stay tuned. JCMC: The Discussion Section is a production of the International Communication Association Podcast Network. Our producer is Maria Caamaño. Our Senior Production Coordinator is Nick Song. Our Executive Producer is Aldo Diaz Caballero. The steam music is by Nicholas Rowe. Please check the show notes in the episode description to learn more about me and JCMC: The Discussion Section overall. Thanks for listening!